
  1. Leech Lake Resorts
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Related to Leeches: Medicinal leeches

Leech To solely download from a peer-to-peer network, without any intent and/or capability to redistribute files accordingly. This lack of sharing is often due to inanely selfish motives, but is occasionally the product of a implausibly slow upstream transfer rate or lack of content to share. If a leech is stuck to you, just wait it out. If you get out of the water and you’ve got a leech stuck to you, the best—although not the easiest—thing to do is simply wait for it to finish eating, at which point it will drop off and go on its merry way. Leeches Definition Leeches are bloodsucking worms with segmented bodies. They belong to the same large classification of worms as earthworms and certain oceanic worms. Leeches can primarily be found in freshwater lakes, ponds, or rivers. They range in size from 0.2 in (5 mm) to nearly 18 in (45 cm) and have two characteristic suckers located at either. Leech Industries, Inc. Is a full-service component manufacturer located in Meadville, Pa. We provide in-house design & engineering services for a wide range of industries, including aerospace, agriculture, automotive, consumer products, and more. 14% OFF Leech Discount Code: ALL Purchases until March! Regular price $40.00 140 Medium & Large Leeches - John's VIP Special. Regular price $1,500.00 150 Large LIVE Leeches. Regular price $900.00 150 Mini-Sized Live Leaches. Regular price $800.00 2 Leech Jars.



Leeches are bloodsucking worms with segmented bodies. They belong to the same large classification of worms as earthworms and certain oceanic worms.
Leeches can primarily be found in freshwater lakes, ponds, or rivers. They range in size from 0.2 in (5 mm) to nearly 18 in (45 cm) and have two characteristic suckers located at either end of their bodies. Leeches consume the blood of a wide variety of animal hosts, ranging from fish to humans. To feed, a leech first attaches itself to the host using the suckers. One of these suckers surrounds the leech's mouth, which contains three sets of jaws that bite into the host's flesh, making a Y-shaped incision. As the leech begins to feed, its saliva releases chemicals that dilate blood vessels, thin the blood, and deaden the pain of the bite. Because of the saliva's effects, a person bitten by a leech may not even be aware of it until afterwards, when he or she sees the incision and the trickle of blood that is difficult to stop.
For centuries, leeches were a common tool of doctors, who believed that many diseases were the result of 'imbalances' in the body that could be stabilized by releasing blood. For example, leeches were sometimes attached to veins in the temples to treat headaches. Advances in medical knowledge led doctors to abandon bloodletting and the use of leeches in the mid-nineteenth century. In recent years, however, doctors have found a new purpose for leeches—helping to restore blood circulation to grafted or severely injured tissue.


There are many occasions in medicine, mostly in surgery and trauma care, when blood accumulates and causes trouble. Leeches can be used to reduce the swelling of any tissue that is holding too much blood. This problem is most likely to occur in two situations:
  • Trauma. Large blood clots resulting from trauma can threaten tissue survival by their size and pressure. Blood clots can also obstruct the patient's airway.
  • Surgical procedures involving reattachment of severed body parts or tissue reconstruction following burns. In these situations it is difficult for the surgeon to make a route for blood to leave the affected part and return to the circulation. The hardest part of reattaching severed extremities like fingers, toes and ears is to reconnect the tiny veins. If the veins are not reconnected, blood will accumulate in the injured area. A similar situation occurs when plastic surgeons move large flaps of skin to replace skin lost to burns, trauma or radical surgery. The skin flaps often drain blood poorly, get congested, and begin to die. Leeches have come to the rescue in both situations.


It is important to use only leeches that have been raised in the laboratory under sterile conditions in order to protect patients from infection. Therapeutic leeches belong to one of two species—Hirudo michaelseni or Hirudo medicinalis.


One or more leeches are applied to the swollen area, depending on the size of the graft or injury, and left on for several hours. The benefits of the treatment lie not in the amount of blood that the leeches ingest, but in the anti-bloodclotting (anticoagulant) enzymes in the saliva that allow blood to flow from the bite for up to six hours after the animal is detached, effectively draining away blood that could otherwise accumulate and cause tissue death. Leech saliva has been described as a better anticoagulant than many currently available to treat strokes and heart attacks. Active investigation of the chemicals in leech saliva is currently under way, and one anticoagulant drug, hirudin, is derived from the tissues of Hirudo medicinalis.


The leeches are removed by pulling them off or by loosening their grip with cocaine, heat, or acid. The used leeches are then killed by placing them in an alcohol solution and disposed of as a biohazard. Proper care of the patient's sore is important, as is monitoring the rate at which it bleeds after the leech is removed. Any clots that form at the wound site during treatment should be removed to ensure effective blood flow.


Infection is a constant possibility until the sore heals. It is also necessary to monitor the amount of blood that the leeches have removed from the patient, since a drop in red blood cell counts could occur in rare cases of prolonged bleeding.

Key terms

Anemia — A blood disorder marked by low hemoglobin levels in red blood cells, which leads to a deficiency of oxygen in the blood.
Anticoagulant — A chemical or medication that prevents blood from clotting.



Daane, S., et al. 'Clinical Use of Leeches in Reconstructive Surgery.' American Journal of Orthopedics 26, no. 8 (August 1997): 528-532.
Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Scientific Name(s): Hirudo medicinalis L. Phylum: Annelida.
Common Name(s): Fresh water leech, Medicinal leech


Medically reviewed by Drugs.com. Last updated on April 24, 2020.

Clinical Overview


Leeches have been used for bloodletting, wound healing, and stimulating blood flow at postsurgical sites. Use in osteoarthritis is being investigated, but there is a lack of clinical information to make recommendations.


Consult existing guidelines for the use of leeches.

Leech Lake Resorts


Arterial insufficiency, previous exposure to leeches (risk of allergic reaction), immunosuppression (risk of infection), patient refusal to accept possible subsequent blood transfusions, and unstable medical conditions have been described as contraindications for extensive leech therapy.


Information regarding safety in pregnancy and lactation is lacking. Avoid use because of risk of infection and anemia.


None well documented.

Adverse Reactions

Extensive blood loss. Allergic reactions and infections may develop.


No data.


There are more than 700 species of leeches, all of which are carnivorous.1 The leech is an hermaphrodite, containing both male and female sexual organs, but is not self-fertile.

The use of medicinal leeches (H. medicinalis) is preferred because of their ability to bite deeply and cause prolonged bleeding even after they are detached. H. medicinalis can reach up to 12 cm long, but is generally smaller, weighing 1 to 1.5 g before feeding. H. medicinalis has both anterior and posterior suckers, with the head located at the narrow tapered end. The anterior sucker has 3 jaws, each with 60 to 100 teeth for biting. The posterior sucker is used for attachment and crawling.1

Leeches obtained from commercial breeders are easily maintained in a chlorine-free salt solution at 10° to 20°C. Under such conditions, leeches can survive for up to 18 months.


Leechburg Pa


The medicinal use of leeches dates back to ancient Egyptians around 1300 BC; the Greek physician Galen (130 to 201 AD) commonly used leeches for bloodletting. The 19th century heralded the widespread use of leeches for bloodletting—leading to a leech shortage from 1825 to 1850 in France requiring the importation of leeches from America.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 By the end of the 19th century, the medicinal use of leeches had lost popularity due to adoption of the modern concepts of pathology and microbiology.1


Different species of leeches secrete varying compounds with differing hematological actions.7, 8

Following attachment, H. medicinalis secretes hirudin, a selective thrombin inhibitor, which enhances bleeding and prevents coagulation.1, 9, 10 Hirudin was first described more than a century ago and characterized as a 65-amino acid peptide with antithrombokinase activity.1 Early therapeutic studies of hirudin were limited by low natural yield, but the compound has recently been produced in larger quantities by recombinant gene techniques.11, 12 Recombinant hirudin binds avidly to thrombin, thus low doses inhibit venous thrombosis in animals. Extracts from leeches have been marketed in creams for topical application. In addition to hirudin, leeches secrete hirustasin, which selectively inhibits tissue kallikreins; antistasin and ghilanten, which inhibit Factor Xa; calin, apyrase, and saratin, which inhibit platelet aggregation; a histamine-like compound, which causes vasodilation; hyaluronidase and collagenase, which increase permeability; and bdellin and eglin, which are proteinase inhibitors.1, 10, 13, 14

There is conflicting evidence as to whether an anesthetic is secreted in H. medicinalis.4, 15, 16 Theromyzon is widely distributed in the tissue of the leech Theromyzon tessulatum and has angiotensin-converting, enzyme-like properties8 and peptides with antimicrobial properties have been identified.17

Undefined anti-inflammatory substances in the saliva of medicinal leeches have been reported.18, 19

Uses and Pharmacology

Ischemic tissue

Medicinal leeches are used to stimulate the flow of blood at postoperative surgical sites.2, 15, 16

After attaching to the site, leeches secrete compounds, especially hirudin, that reduce blood viscosity. They provide the drainage needed to permit decongestion and to preserve tissue viability until normal venous flow is established.16, 20

Reviews of the use of 'hirudotherapy' in localized venous congestion or hematoma have been published; most commonly, only case reports exist in the literature.18, 21, 22

Other uses

Based on reported anti-inflammatory substances in the saliva of medicinal leeches, a number of clinical studies have evaluated the role of leeches in osteoarthritis.18, 19 Blinding of participants is problematic in such studies and comparators have used transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)23 and topical diclofenac.24 A meta-analysis of clinical studies (n=4) reported moderate to strong evidence for pain reduction, functional impairment, and joint stiffness following leech therapy.19


Institutional guidelines may exist for the use of leeches. Leeches are applied from 2 to 4 times a day for up to a week. Feeding is complete in about 20 minutes, at which time the leech drops off. Removal of the leech may be hastened by applying solutions of salt, vinegar, a flame, or a local anesthetic. Leeches should not be forcibly removed. Bleeding from the attachment site usually continues for several hours. Reuse of leeches is discouraged to minimize the development of cross-infection.1, 20, 25, 26

Pregnancy / Lactation

Information regarding safety in pregnancy and lactation is lacking. Avoid use due to risk of infection and anemia.


None well documented. Closely monitor conditions requiring concomitant anticoagulant therapy.

One study found no changes in ipsilateral activated partial thromboplastin or prothrombin times when leeches were applied to an intact hand. This suggests that systemic or local anticoagulation is not likely to occur and that the risk of interference with other therapies may be small.27

Adverse Reactions

Arterial insufficiency, previous exposure to leeches (risk of allergic reaction), immunosuppression (risk of infection), patient refusal to accept possible subsequent blood transfusions, and unstable medical conditions have been described as contraindications for extensive leech therapy.9

Blood loss

Leeches may consume up to 50 mL blood per application, and their secretions during a single feed can prevent coagulation (in vitro) of up to 100 mL human blood. Passive bleeding after detachment can continue up to 72 hours but most commonly continues for about 5 hours. Blood loss may occur, sometimes requiring transfusions.18, 28


H. medicinalis should be considered a possible vector of infectious diseases. The incidence of infection consequent to leech therapy ranges from 2% to 20%.21, 22

The gram-negative Aeromonas hydrophilia is the predominant microbial species found in leeches.1, 9, 29, 30 Serratia, Klebsiella, and Pseudomonas have also been isolated10, 31, 32, 33, 34 and patients should receive appropriate prophylactic antibiotic therapy. Older studies suggested possible transmission of HIV and hepatitis, but this is less likely with the use of farmed leeches.22, 35 Reuse of leeches is not recommended due to concerns of disease transmission.4


Local allergic reactions and anaphylaxis have been reported.36 Leeches found in the nose, throat, and the GI tract have caused complications.37, 38, 39, 40

Leech Lake


No data.


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Discovery and pre-clinical development of antithrombotics from hematophagous invertebrates. Curr Med Chem Cardiovasc Hematol Agents. 2005;3(1):1-10.8. Rivière G, Michaud A, Deloffre L, et al. Characterization of the first non-insect invertebrate functional angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE): leech TtACE resembles the N-domain of mammalian ACE. Biochem J. 2004;382(pt 2):565-573.151750049. Chepeha DB, Nussenbaum B, Bradford CR, Teknos TN. Leech therapy for patients with surgically unsalvageable venous obstruction after revascularized free tissue transfer. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2002;128(8):960-965.1216277910. Dippenaar R, Smith J, Goussard P, Walters E. Meningococcal purpura fulminans treated with medicinal leeches. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2006;7(5):476-478.1687804911. Wallis RB. Hirudins and the role of thrombin: lessons from leeches. Trends in Pharmacol Sci. 1988;9(12):425-427.307808112. Hand R, et al. 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Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2005;132(5):814-815.1588664437. Bergua A, Vizmanos F, Monzón FJ, Blasco RM. Unavoidable epistaxis in the nasal infection of leeches [in Spanish]. Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp. 1993;44(5):391-393.812997738. Uygur K, Yasan H, Yavuz L, Dogru H. Removal of a laryngeal leech: A safe and effective method. Am J Otolaryngol. 2003;24(5):338-340.1313044839. Kuehnemund M, Bootz F. Rare living hypopharyngeal foreign body. Head Neck. 2006; 28(11):1046-1048.1693331440. Krüger C, Malleyeck I, Olsen OH. Aquatic leech infestation: a rare cause of severe anaemia in an adolescent Tanzanian girl. Eur J Pediatr. 2004;163(6):297-299.15346909


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Leech Therapy

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