Risky Shift

Risky Shift

  • A risky shift was found in two dimensions of risk taking: probability preferences and stake preferences. This finding made it possible to use bets in the second experiment.
  • The concept of risky shift maintains that a group's decisions are riskier than the average of the individual decisions of members before the group met. In early studies, the risky-shift phenomenon was measured using a scale known as the Choice-Dilemmas Questionnaire.

The risky-shift effect is a social psychological term. It refers to the observed tendency of people to make more daring decisions when they are in groups than when they are alone. This phenomenon explains how riots and gang violence start; from choices and actions that a person would probably never take on their own but are willing to take as part of a group. This is related to the concept of deindividuation which is when individuals in groups lose their self - identity which can lead to a loss of restraint and self-awareness.

Risky shift occurs when people change their decisions or opinions to become more extreme and risky when acting as part of a group, compared with acting individually; this is one form of the phenomenon known as group polarization. The result is that group decisions are bolder and more adventurous than those made by individuals alone and even riskier than the average of the individuals’ opinions and decisions before group discussion. Cartoon maker app.

However, sometimes people in groups shift such that the group decision is actually more conservative, which is known as cautious (or conservative) shift. The group’s initial tendency toward risk is important in predicting if risky shift will occur. The direction of the shift (to be more risky or more conservative) tends to be in line with the general direction of group initial viewpoints.


Mf doom born like this rar. Risky Shift Risky shift occurs when people change their decisions or opinions to become more extreme and risky when acting as part of a group, compared with acting individually; this is one form of the phenomenon known as group polarization. Joe Cristofani - Drums; Tom Cristofani - Drums; Mark Brown - Bass Guitar; Ron Braet - Hammond B3, Keys; Brandon Mock - Guitar; Dan Lash - Bass Guitar. In recent years a substantial body of research findings (based almost solely on responses to the Dilemmas-of-Choice instrument as the measure of risk), commonly referred to as the “risky shift” phenomenon, has suggested that groups take greater risks than individuals.

Risky Shift

Risky Shift

The term risky shift was coined by James Stoner in 1961. To examine group decision making, he asked participants to make decisions about real-life scenarios that involved some amount of risk. Participants first gave their own individual ratings. Then they got together in groups and arrived at a decision together. Following this, participants made their own individual ratings again. Contrary to what was expected, he found that group decisions were more risky.

In addition, the postdiscussion individual decisions also showed a shift toward increased risk. Subsequent research has shown that people in groups may make more risky decisions in a variety of situations including, but not limited to, gambling and consumer behavior, and people in groups can become more prejudiced in their opinions of minorities or more liberal on issues such as feminism.

This risky shift in group decision making may occur for a variety of reasons. First, the individuals with more extreme views may be more confident, committed, and persuasive, compared with the more conservative members of the group. Dragon ball z eng dub google drive. In addition, as people present their arguments to the group members, they may come to hold a stronger belief in their own opinions and, in turn, be willing to make more extreme decisions. These stronger opinions may carry more weight in determining the final decision.

Another reason for the occurrence of risky shift is that the group may fail to consider all available opinions and possibilities. There may be biased filtering and communicating of views, facts, and findings because of motivation by an individual to promote his or her own opinion. This insufficient exploration by the group of costs and benefits of each choice may lead to assumptions in which negative outcomes are overlooked.

Risky Shift Psychology

Risky Shift

Risky Shift Effect

Although the goal and desire of committee and group decision making is ultimately to result in more educated, well-rounded, and better decisions, risky shift may be a deterrent to this. In groups such as juries or panels of judges, committees of generals, or boards of directors, as a result of group discussion, the group may choose a more risky option than a single juror or judge, general, or CEO alone would. Unfortunately, in some cases, this may result in poor, even disastrous, decisions and outcomes.

Risk Transfer Theory


Risky Shift And Group Polarization

  1. Isenberg, D. J. (1986). Group polarization: A critical review and meta-analysis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 50, 1141-1151.
  2. Johnson, N. R., Stemler, J. G., & Hunter, D. (1977). Crowd behavior as risky shift: A laboratory experiment. Social Psychology Quarterly, 40, 183-187.
  3. Stoner, J. A. F. (1961). A comparison of individual and group decisions involving risk. Unpublished master’s thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge.
  4. Stoner, J. A. F. (1968). Risky and cautious shifts in group decisions: The influence of widely held values. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 4, 442, 459.
  5. Wallach, M. A., Kogan, N., & Burt, R. B. (1962). Group influence on individual risk taking. Journal of Abnormal Social Psychology, 65, 75-86.