Restructuredtext Markdown

ReStructuredText is an easy-to-read, what-you-see-is-what-you-get plaintext markup syntax and parser system. It is useful for in-line program documentation (such as Python docstrings), for quickly creating simple web pages, and for standalone documents. ReStructuredText is designed for extensibility for specific application domains. Writing content in reStructuredText is only recommended for users who are already familiar with it. For others, we recommend using MyST Markdown, which has all of the same features of rST and Sphinx, but with a Markdown flavour. “reStructuredText is an easy-to-read, what-you-see-is-what-you-get plaintext markup syntax and parser system. It is useful for in-line program documentation (such as Python docstrings), for quickly creating simple web pages, and for standalone documents. ReStructuredText is designed for extensibility for specific application domains.

In addition to writing your content in Markdown, Jupyter Book also supportswriting content in reStructuredText,another markup language that is common in the Python documentation community.


Writing content in reStructuredText is only recommended for users who are alreadyfamiliar with it.For others, we recommend using MyST Markdown,which has all of the same features of rST and Sphinx, but with a Markdown flavour.

Because Jupyter Book uses Sphinx under the hood, any document that is written in rSTfor the Sphinx ecosystem should also work with Jupyter Book. This is particularlyuseful if you’ve already got a significant amount of documentation written in rSTand you’d like to try it out with Jupyter Book.

For more information on writing content with reStructuredText, we recommendreading the Sphinx rST documentation.

Markdown Vs Restructuredtext

Including reStructuredText in Markdown¶

To insert rST into Markdown, you can use the eval-rst directive:


A note written in reStructuredText.

Restructuredtext markdown in r

Hallo I’m from an rST file, myst-parser:with a reference about using autodoc.

markup:text style | grouping and alignment | images | tables, code, and math


markdownrestructured textmediawikiasciidocorg-mode
command line tool$ apt install markdown
$ markdown foo.txt > foo.html
$ apt install pandoc
$ pandoc foo.txt -o foo.html
$ pip install rst2html5
$ rst2html5 foo.rst > foo.html
run at root of MediaWiki source tree:
$ php maintenance/parse.php foo.txt
> foo.html
$ apt install asciidoc
$ asciidoc foo.txt
autolinks url?
can use html entities?yes; they are passed to output htmlno, the ampersand will be html entity escapedyes; they are replaced by UTF-8yes; they are passed to output html
encodingmarkdown and pandoc assume UTF-8 for input and output.default output is UTF-8; default input is system dependent
$ rst2html5 --input-encoding=utf-8
< foo.rst > foo.html
MediaWiki specifies UTF-8 in the response header and the HTML document. It handles UTF-8 POST requests, and may handle other encodings correctly.assumes UTF-8 for input and output
link offsite
[Website](`Website <>`_[ Website][Website][[][Google]]
link with url in footnotelink:
.. _Website:
link onsite<a href='page'>Pipe Trick</a>[[page|Pipe Trick]]link:page.html[Pipe Trick]
define anchor<a name='foo'/>.. _foo:Headers automatically get anchors. Also:
anchor:foo[]#+NAME: foo
link to anchor<a href='#foo'>Foo</a>
pandoc extension:
Links to '_foo'; 'foo' is used for text:
comment<!-- comment -->.. comment
another comment
blank line terminates comment
<!-- comment -->// commentwhitespace only before number sign:
# comment
HTMLset off block level html tags with blank lines:
<h1>My Header</h1>
this must exist elsewhere in document:
.. |my_header| raw:: html
some HTML tags are permitted
text style
markdownrestructured textmediawikiasciidocorg-mode
italic text*italic text*
_italic text_
*italic text*two single quotes:
'italic text'
'italic text'
_italic text_
/italic text/
bold text**bold text**
__bold text__
**bold text**three single quotes:
''bold text''
*bold text**bold text*
small caps text<span>
small caps text
{{smallcaps|small caps text}}
fixed width text`fixed width text```fixed width text``<tt>fixed width text</tt>+fixed width text+~fixed wdith text~
underlined text<span>underlined text</span><u>underlined text</u>[underline]#underlined text#_underlined text_
striketrhough text<del>strikethough text</del><del>strikethough text</del>+strikethrough text+
literal text*not italics*
`*not italics*`
*not italics*<nowiki>'not italics'</nowiki>+++_not italics_+++
font color<span>font color</span><font color='red'>font color</font>[red]#font color#
font size<font size=16>foo</font><font size='16'>foo</font>
span w/ class<span>
.. role:: foo
grouping and alignment
markdownrestructured textmediawikiasciidocorg-mode
line breakspace, space, newline
all lines in paragraph with line breaks must start with pipe:
| the line breaks
| here
<br/>space, plus, newline
backslash, backslash, newline
i.e putat the end of the line
horizontal rulethree or more asterisks, hyphens, or underscores:
four or more punctuation characters set off by blank lines:
four or more hyphens:
three or more single quotes
five or more hyphens on a line by themselves:
document titlepandoc extension:
% document title

document title
= document title =
document title
document header% document title
% John Doe; Jane Roe
% August 16, 2001
:Date: 2001-08-16
:Version: 1
:Authors: - John Doe
- Jane Roe
document title
John Doe
August 16, 2001
section headerpandoc requires blank line before header, markdown doesn't:
# section header
section header
Other punctuation can be used for title and headers. Whatever punctuation is used must be used consistently in the document. An n+1 level section must be contained in an n level section.
section header
=section header= section header
section header
no indentation before asterisk:
* section header
subsection header## subsection header
subsection header
subsection header
subsection header subsection header
subsection header
no indentation before asterisk:
** subsection header
subsubsection header### subsubsection headersubsubsection header
subsubsection header subsubsection header
subsubsection header
no indentation before asterisk:
*** subusbsection header
level 4 header#### level 4 headerlevel 4 header
level 4 header
headers automatically anchored?markdown no, pandoc yes
pandoc header identifiers are the same as the header with (1) all punctuation except hyphens, underscores, periods removed, (2) spaces and newlines replaced by hyphens, (3) lowercase, (4) everything before first letter removed
yesyesyes, with id attribute on header elementyes, with id attribute on header element
example: <h4>
list itempandoc requires sublists be indented 4 spaces:
* list item
* sublist item
plus signs + or hyphens - may be used in place of asterisks
sublist must be set off by a blank line:
- list item
- sublist item
asterisks * or plus signs + may be used in place of hyphens -
* list item
** sublist item
* list item
** sublist item
+ list item
+ sublist item
+ sublist item
Hyphens and asterisks can also be used for bullets. If asterisks are used, they must be indented to distinguish them from section headers.
list item with multiple paragraphspandoc requires 4 space indent:
* 1st list item
2nd paragraph
* 2nd list item
* 1st list item<br/><br/>2nd paragraph
* 2nd list item
+ 1st list item
2nd paragraph
+ 2nd list item
numbered list itemmarkdown ignores actual numeric values; pandoc uses first value only:
1. numbered one
2. numbered two
pandoc supports other formats:
1) numbered one
2) numbered two
i. roman numeral one
ii. roman numeral two
numbers in source are used:
1. numbered one
2. numbered two
1) numbered one
2 ) numbered two
i) roman numeral one
ii) roma numberal two
# numbered one
# numbered two
error if values in markup are not sequential starting from one:
1. numbered one
2. numbered two
definition list<dl>
<dt>the 1st cardinal
<dt>the 2nd cardinal
pandoc extension; 4 spaces after colon:
:the 1st cardinal
:the 2nd cardinal
the 1st cardinal
the 2nd cardinal
; one : the 1st cardinal
; two : the 2nd cardinal
the 1st cardinal
the 2nd cardinal
block quote> Four score and twenty
> years ago…
pandoc also has lazy block quotes:
> Four score and twenty
years ago…
pandoc requires blank line before a block quote
Main body text.
Four score and twenty
years ago…
More main body text.
Four score and twenty
years ago…
Four score and twenty
years ago…
Four score and twenty
years ago…
div w/ class<div>
markdownrestructured textmediawikiasciidocorg-mode
<img src='foo.jpg'>.. image:: foo.jpg[[File:foo.jpg]]image:foo.jpg[][[foo.jpg]]
image link<a href=''>![](foo.jpg)</a>.. image:: foo.jpg
image with alt![Foo](foo.jpg).. image:: foo.jpg
:alt: Foo
image sizeheight can also be specified; height proportionate if not:
<img width='300px' src='foo.jpg'>
height can also be specified; height proportionate if not: _
.. image:: foo.jpg
:width: 300px
specify width; height will be proportionate:
specify width; height will be proportionate:
tables, code, and math
markdownrestructured textmediawikiasciidocorg-mode
pandoc extensions:
pandoc extension:
| A | B |
| 1 | 2 |
| 3 | 4 |

| A | B |
| 1 | 2 |
| 3 | 4 |
one cell per row of markup:
[width='20%', options='header']
multiple column cell<table>
<tr><th colspan=2>title
| title |
| 1 | 2 |
[width='20%', options='header']
cell alignment<table><tr>
<td align='left'>left
<td align='center'>center
<td align='right'>right
pre-formatted fixed-width block with no need to escape markup or < and &set off from surrounding blocks with blank lines and indent each line at least 4 spaces:
int add(int a, int b) {
return (a+b);
pandoc delimited code block uses 3 or more tildes or backticks:
int add(int a, int b) {
return (a+b);
If the preceding paragraph ends with two colons, it renders as a single colon. Two colons on a line by themselves are removed. Preformatted text is indented.
int add(int a, int b) {
return (a+b);
int add(int a, int b) {
return (a+b);
int add(int a, int b) {
return (a+b);
int add(int a, int b) {
return (a+b);
highlighted codepandoc extension:
int add(int a, int b) {
return (a+b);
Adds classes, but a style sheet is necessary to get the colors:
.. code-block:: c
int add(int a, int b) {
return (a+b);
<source lang=c>
int add(int a, int b) {
return (a+b);
source-hightlight must be installed:
int add(int a, int b) {
return (a+b);
languages which can be highlightedlists the supported languages:
$ pandoc --version
$ pygmentize -L lexers100+ languages150+ languages
latex mathpandoc extension:
$ int_0^pi cos (x) dx $
.. math::
int_0^pi cos (x) dx
<math>int_0^pi cos (x) dx</math>

Markdown was developed in 2004, initially in Perl. It is used by Tumblr, Stackoverflow, GitHub, and Reddit. Here is a sandbox.

On Ubuntu you can install a script which converts Markdown to HTML with the following command:

The command line script converts Markdown to HTML. Invoke it like this:

Pandoc User's Guide
Pandoc's Markdown

There are installers for Windows and Mac. On Ubuntu Pandoc can be installed with

Pandoc can read Markdown, LaTeX, HTML, and a few other formats. It can output HTML, RTF, MediaWiki Syntax, groff man page format, Emacs Org-Mode, AsciiDoc, EPub, GNU Texinfo, Word docx, Slidy, and some other formats.

Pandoc's version of Markdown has extensions. Using the extensions avoids HTML and makes it easier for Pandoc to target other formats.

Converting Markdown to HTML:

Converting HTML to Markdown:

pdf from markdown

A tool such as pdflatex must be in the search path:

epub from markdown

word document from markdown

man page from markdown


The markup used for man pages is described in groff_man(7).

slideshow from markdown

pydoc and rst2html5

MediaWiki powers Wikipedia. The source code is freely available.

Wikipedia was launched in January 2001. The site initially used wiki software implemented in Perl called UseModWiki. In January 2002 the site switched to custom software written in PHP. The PHP code was rewritten for scalability in July 2002. It was given the name MediaWiki in 2003 and was eventually open sourced.

UseModWiki had a spare set of markup which did not expand much on the markup used by Wiki Base, the original wiki software used by WikiWikiWeb.

Wiki Base (1995)UseModWiki (1999)MediaWiki (2002)Markdown (2004)
[[Double Bracket]]
[[Double Bracket]][Single Bracket](url)
horizontal rule---------------
top level headernonenone=top level header=# top level header
second level headernonenonesecond level header## second level header
bullet list item* list item* list item* list item* list item
numbered list itemnone# list item# list item1. list item
imagecan be URL:
can be URL:
MediaWiki permits raw URL images
like its predecessors but the feature
is turned off on Wikipedia
<img src='foo.jpg'>
tablenoneadded in 2003:

Markdown Viewer Online

For those who like to experiment, here are sandboxes for Wiki Base and UseModWiki.

In Wiki Base the way to prevent a camel case word from becoming a link was to insert six single quotes into the word like this: C'''amelCase. The odd markup was not intentional. The six single quotes actually parse as a bold empty string.

UseModWiki had a feature called 'free links' which was attractive to the founders of Wikipedia. It permitted page titles to have spaces, commas, periods, or hyphens in them. These pages could be linked with double brackets: e.g. [[Los Angeles]]. In the URL the spaces are replaced with underscores. UseModWiki is case insensitive but MediaWiki is case sensitive except for the first letter.

AsciiDoc User Guide
HTML Slidy: Slide Shows in HTML and XHTML

AsciiDoc can be installed by a variety of package managers. On Ubuntu:


On a Mac with MacPorts:

AsciiDoc documents have a .txt suffix by default. The following command will create a file called foo.html:

Restructured Text Markdown
